
My wedding invites I Created in photoshoto
I created match stickers for my wedding
Stickers I created for a baby shower

Some websites I have created, monitored and updated.

Domenicos Restaurant

Domenicos Restaurant


Tech Shrinks
Tech Shrinks
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Marketing Informational Packets

I made these packets to send out to prospects and to give to anyone who was interested in learning more about Tech Shrinks. It consisted of 5 sheets explaining who Tech Shrinks is, prices, services etc. I put them all in Tech Shrink’s folders that I designed and had printed with a Tech Shrinks promotional calendar. We received a lot of feedback from the informational packets and did receive new clients by handing them out. 

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Marketing Worry Doll Packets

I made this marketing campaign to grab people’s attention. Information Technology (IT) can be a hard market to sell. So getting the attention of people is the most important aspect. Although I had some people, out of the 300+ I sent out, say this reminded them of a “Voodoo Doll” they were at least still chatting and telling their friends and family about what Tech Shrinks sent out in the mail and thought it was different and a good “table talk”.

This Campaign had a tiny Worry Doll attached to a card that stated if you put this doll under your pillow at night all of your IT troubles would go away. This package included our information guides and also a great letter explaining why I was sending them this worry doll. I also included a coupon for a free IT evaluation. This was a great campaign we received at least 15 calls, 6 in-house evaluations and received 2 new clients.

We Hang Christmas Lights Marketing Campaign

One of my clients “We Hang Christmas lights” needed a fun campaign to get previous clients on a contract for the new season and to get a date early, before the holiday rush. I sent out 100+ folders containing a jolly letter telling the clients if they book an appointment before a certain date they can receive some money off. I added holiday candy canes to this packet (we found that these may have been really smashed by the time they came in the mail).

I also created a holiday card holding “Santa’s Magic Key”. This had a poem on it so they knew to hang the key on their door on Christmas eve so Santa Clause could get in to give presents. This was a great campaign and I believe the company got all past clients signed up for the new year.

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Monthly Tech Tip Post Card/ Email Campaign

Every Month I would design and print/email a Tech Tip Postcard with something relevant to what was going on that month in the IT world. I would also have a report they can download from our website for more information on that issue this, in turn, grew our email list by having them sign up to our newsletters. This particular tech tip was about small businesses being under attack by hackers. We were basically giving away a free booklet if they came to our site and asked for more information.

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Hammer Campaign

I had promotional Hammer Stress Toys made with the Tech Shrinks logo on them. The point of the stress toy hammer was because we know that IT can be a pain, and instead of taking a real life hammer to your computer, use the stress toy & call us! It was a cool idea. I also sent them with a letter and coupon for free IT evaluation. We had a lot of feedback from this campaign.

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Angie’s List Marketing Ad

Designed an ad in Photoshop for We Hang Christmas Lights to put on Angie’s List featured in 2016.

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 Marketing Folders & Calendars

Designed calendars, business cards, and an IT handbook to send out to prospects. The calendar was great so prospects and clients can put them on their desks and since our logo was on it, we would be seen all day long.

Check out my Resume!